Event box

Library Link End of Year Celebration In-Person

What: Calling all Library Link members! This is an end of year gathering you won’t want to miss! 

- Global Snack Tasting: Enjoy sampling snacks from around the world! 

- Exciting Games:  Join the U of T Mystery club for two exciting games inspired by Alice in Borderland and Devil's Plan:  of ♡: Solitary Confinement and K of ♧: Memory Fragment! Get your game face on.

- Button Making: Create your own custom button to commemorate the end of this fantastic academic year! 

- Library Link Recreational Reads Results: Fill out this two-question form about a special book you'd like to rave about to the community: https://forms.office.com/r/4vFy5sR59M! Drop your thoughts and results will be shared at the celebration event and in the final Library Link email as we wrap for the year. 

Why: The end of year is a special time to be celebrated in student life. It prompts reflection and some well-deserved socialization before we bid the Library Link community goodbye for this year!

Who: The Library Link End of Year party is a celebration event geared exclusively towards students participating in the Library Link (2024-2025) program. 

Where: 4th floor, Blackburn Room, Robarts Library (T-cards needed for access to the building). Instructions on how to locate Blackburn Room.  

When: Thursday, April 3rd from 4PM to 5:30PM. 

This event is designed to be a welcoming and inclusive space for all. U of T Library code of conduct: https://onesearch.library.utoronto.ca/university-toronto-library-conduct-regulations

If you identify as a person who requires accessibility accommodations to participate in this program, please contact the coordinator by email at rhea.pillai@utoronto.ca to make a request. We kindly ask that you provide as much advanced notice as possible. Please reach out to the coordinator of this program, Rhea Pillai, at the above-mentioned email if you have questions about this event. 

Thursday, April 3, 2025
4:00pm - 5:30pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Robarts Library
St. George (Downtown) Campus

Registration is required. There are 35 seats available.

Event Organizer

Rhea Pillai