Upcoming Events

1:00pm - 3:00pm, Robarts Library.
11:00am - 1:00pm, Robarts Library.
11:00am - 1:00pm, Robarts Library.

Profile Details

Cole White

Cole is the GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Analyst at U of T's Map and Data Library, and a graduate of the Centre of Geographic Sciences in Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia. They offer expertise in advanced spatial analysis, Esri and open-source software, coding, cartographic design, and web mapping.

A few interesting projects Cole has worked on include:

    • Performing spatial analysis to support sustainable economic empowerment for global communities
    • Developing interactive, educational web maps to promote ecologically sound home gardening practices
    • Designing creative, experimental map graphics to be used in collaborative published art projects
    • Using deep learning to analyze historical maps

At U of T, Cole facilitates workshops, develops instructional materials, and provides technical consultations for anyone interested in GIS. Cole loves helping others learn and is dedicated to connecting learners of all varieties with skills and resources to make the best use of geospatial technology in their work. Feel free to get in contact at cole.white@utoronto.ca